Hours of Operation: 24/6 Sunday to Friday

Welcome to G&G Car Rental

To fully enjoy your travel experience, you will need a reliable source of transportation to get to your destination and back.

Don’t just settle for any service provider. When it comes to quick and safe car rentals in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, choose G&G Rental. We provide what you need for easy and convenient rides from our key drop location at Toussaint Louverture International Airport to the best travel spots nearby. We offer a great selection of vehicles, and our friendly crew makes sure every transaction goes smoothly.


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Rent a Car, Help Lives

By booking our travel cars, you contribute to our efforts in helping disenfranchised children and families. See how you can help! [ Click Here ]

Mission Statement

Our mission is to make clients’ experience unforgettable and exceed their expectations.

About Us
river and bridge
three people taking picture in the river